Buy, Sell, Trade

One thing that has happened on Facebook in the last few years is the emergence of swap pages. I've participated in a few with pretty good results; I've been able to buy, but mostly sell quite a few items. These are things I would have normally donated, but had the opportunity to make some money from them instead. 

I recently decided it would be even better to have a swap page devoted solely to home decor. Not knowing of any here in Des Moines, Iowa, I created my own, inviting friends to join and share it as well.  


Facebook header for swap group in Des Moines, Iowa. ||

Having the page focus only on home decor and accessories gives followers the opportunity to share items they're no longer using and to possibly find new decorative pieces to style their homes. 

If you have a local swap page, you should definitely join it...and if there isn't one, maybe be the person to create one! Fresh and creative vignettes are just a couple of posts away...on your local buy, sell, or trade!  

Stay Stylish,  
